As much as I believe a 6 week vacation would not only be glorious but would help our world be a happier, more sane place; for most of us that break is not a reality. One of the main complaints of my clients is that they don't have enough time. Their lives are filled with too many to do's, too much stuff. We can all relate to the rush, rush, rush of today's society. Moving from one thing to the next, trying to check off the to do list, trying to accomplish something, trying to be better, stronger, thinner.
Have you ever asked yourself...
- What if I stopped pushing so hard?
- What if I didn't accomplish everything on the to do list?
- What if I took a morning off just to 'be'? What if I got quiet with myself?
- What if I spent the day playing, laughing, splashing in the pool, dancing to my favorite music, running through the sprinkler?
- What if life is really just made up of moments? How am I spending mine?
- What if there is no RIGHT way to do life?
This summer I challenge you to ask yourself some of these questions. I also challenge you to take a pause from the treadmill of life and take a break from your to-do list.
Implement small ways of savoring your summer break:
- Take your morning coffee and enjoy it on your back deck.
- Take time in the shower to really be thankful for your amazing body.
- Take an actual lunch hour--or at least a lunch 15 minutes and savor your lunch.
- Take a walk around the neighborhood and notice how it has changed.
- Play with your kids.
- Lie on your back and watch the night sky.
- Remember the freedom of summer break and try to put bits of pieces of that back into your life on a daily basis.
Remember that freedom of your summer break? What did you love most about it? Where can you add bits of a summer break into your life over the next few months?