So the messages we receive are:
- Being strong and independent is a negative
- Once you have a relationship everything gets easier
- You will never be lonely again
- The guy will take care of everything
- Family and friends mean well but in the end it is all about the relationship.
- Being strong and independent is healthy and normal and one can be in a relationship and be strong/independent.
- Relationships are work, they are filled with miscommunications, misunderstandings. I mean seriously you are dealing with another human being here (and even though the movies would have you believe it you can't read their minds)
- Yes, being in a relationship means you have a plus one but it doesn't guarantee no more loneliness, it is very possible to be in a relationship and feel lonely (in fact, many people do)
- The guy won't take care of everything because that is just impossible. A good relationship is a team effort.
- You need all kinds of relationships, family, friends, life partner to make your life complete.
- One: Women are waiting for their Mr. Right to come sweep them away and make life perfect.
- Two: (I believe this is a back lash to number one)Women are saying they don't need a man, they are strong independent and won't compromise their lives for a man. Secretly they believe when they find the right guy it won't be a sacrifice because he will be perfect and love their independent ways and take care of them , etc.
Both types of camps are missing the true reality: Relationships are hard. They require work, love, compromise, communication, caring, vulnerability, and strength. Relationships are messy, complicated, joyous, lonely, and bonding. Relationships involve meeting another human being and genuinely accepting their humanity. They involve working together as a team to bring out the best in each other. Each relationship is as unique and wonderful as we are as individuals. There is no secret or magic bullet. Relationships are a joyous part of life that require us to show up as ourselves on a daily basis.
When we let go of the stereotypes and the generalizations and look at our relationships as a unique experience we can live happier.
What is your view of relationship? What are your keys to relationship success?