It is my belief that we all have a Contribution to make in this world, a higher calling, vocation, or purpose. Whether that be raising your kids, being CEO of a major corporation, teaching kindergarten or starting a organic farm. We all have something that makes our heart sing--some of us get paid for it some of us engage in it when we aren't getting paid to do something else. Regardless, I believe my Contribution is to help people figure out theirs. Career Counseling has always been my first love. I have read countless books on finding your perfect career and attended numerous seminars. Although, I have done career counseling for over 10 years it is now that I am deciding to make it my speciality. To pour my heart and soul into the area of Living Happier that makes my heart sing. Please hear me when I say this is not just about work, this is about making a difference and engaging in a passionate activity. I believe we cannot live happier unless we are engaging in a purpose that feeds our soul. Purpose is as varied as we all are but it is essential to life.
With this blog post I am annoucing the creation of my new website ( and my new blog ( I will continue to blog on this site as well for the time being as I make the transition--but I encourage all of you to visit my site because not only is it FABULOUS, but you can sign up to receive my new 25+ page Work Happier Tool Kit!!! This is a FREE do it yourself guide that will lay the foundation to help you figure out what makes your heart sing.
I will continue to blog here regularly about Working Happier and Living Happier!!
I am hoping to build a community of people as we start on the new journey of figuring out what makes your heart sing. Please comment below on what makes your heart sing, what is holding you back, how you feel about change, what the weather is doing where you live--I don't care what you share let's start getting to know each other. Through conversation we build passion and I am excited to share my new passion with you!!!
I am hoping to build a community of people as we start on the new journey of figuring out what makes your heart sing. Please comment below on what makes your heart sing, what is holding you back, how you feel about change, what the weather is doing where you live--I don't care what you share let's start getting to know each other. Through conversation we build passion and I am excited to share my new passion with you!!!