Wednesday, September 15, 2010

What do you love about your life?

Since the theme of this blog is becoming happi-er in our lives and our work I write a lot about change, and making shifts in our lives.  Today, however, I want us to focus on noticing what we already have in our lives that we love.  Maybe it is something as small as sipping your morning coffee, going for an evening walk, eating dinner with your family.  Or maybe it something larger like your house, your partner, your job.  These things both large and small are what make up the blessing of our lives.  Yes, change is good, striving to be the best we can be is awesome.  AND sometimes we (yes, me included) can get so stuck in striving mode we forget to stop and look around at what we actually have in our lives. We forget to acknowledge the blessings, the big and little things that make us smile and laugh.

I admit I get stuck in 'trying to be better' mode quite frequently. Every challenge I lay before you in this blog I challenge myself with.  In fact, one thing I love about myself is my desire to be the best Nancy Jane Smith I can be.  Because that drive is so strong I also need to be brought back to what is important from time to time and remind myself what I truly love about my life.  Yesterday, I had a swift reminder when my dad had an accident with his chainsaw--luckily it sounds worse than it was and he came out of it relatively unscathed.  A mostly superficial wound,  a few stitches and what will be a scar but no loss of limbs or cuts into the muscle.  After they made it home from the hospital and I got the call that all was fine, I took some time to reflect on my life and what it is that I love about it.  And fortunately the list was quite long.  I actually wrote it out, and have it here on my desk.  So as I start striving again and looking forward I have a physical reminder of what I have NOW in my life that I love and am grateful for.

So that is my challenge to you today--don't just answer the question in your head, write it down, share it in the comments, make a list that you can refer to from time to time.  Part of being happier is striving for more and part of being happier is recognizing when we are there.  Today lets basic in the joy of being there, wherever there is for you. Lets let go of the need to be 'better' and embrace the blessings we have now.
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