It is like my experience with dating sites. When I was single whenever I would start to have an itch for a relationship and think I should DO something about my yearning for a partner, I would get on Match or e-harmony. I would take the test, fill out the profile, send a few e-mails and even go on a few dates (i.e interviews). Initially I would feel like I was taking control, taking charge, taking action. Then after a few bad dates or a couple unanswered e-mails I would get discouraged and depressed and would think why am I doing this to myself and I would remove from my profile from all the dating sites--only to have the whole cycle repeat again in a few months. It is a similar cycle for my clients with job search sites--only they NEED a job to survive, finding a romantic partner was a desire of mine not a need to put food on the table.
So what is a person to do? Fortunately I have a solution. First off, do a job search, look on Monster, CraigsList, Career Builder, etc. Pull up all the available jobs in your area and then read them with an open mind and an open heart. Yes, some of them will be too little education or too much education. And some of them will have too little money, crappy hours or unsuitable job activities. I want you to take out of piece of paper and make 2 columns. On one column write Job Traits I Like and then list out each of the job traits from each description you enjoy. Maybe there is a job for a truck driver, the hours are bad, and it isn't in your field of study but the thought of being in a truck alone listening to tunes and seeing the open road is appealing to you. Write it down. Maybe there is a job for a bartender the pay isn't what you want but the idea of chatting with people from behind the bar appeals to you. Write it down. In the second column, write down all the deal breakers, for example, not enough money, not using your education, travel, 100% commission sales jobs, etc.
Now take the first list (job traits you enjoy) and see if any patterns emerge, any specific job traits or titles repeat. Start grouping the list into job traits or titles that repeat. Then do the same for the DealBreakers Column. If you have a grouping of titles that appeal to you go ahead and apply for those jobs on the job search site(s) of your choosing. But I also want you to go one step further---start brainstorming: Where do people that do these jobs hang out? What firms/businesses do they work in? Who do I know that works in or close to this industry? Then start scheduling some informational interviews with these people. Start attending networking events where these individuals might be. Start reading articles and commenting on local blogs or on-line resources about your area of interest. Start exploring the websites of companies you want to work for and slowly making inroads into getting to know people who work there.
Similar to dating, job searches end once you make the right connections. Connections can be started on-line but eventually they have to take place in person face to face. It is a numbers game, the more connections you make and the more open you are the more successful you will be at getting off the job search sites and into a dream job.
Need help deciphering your 2 lists? Click here to schedule your free 20 minute Get to Know you Session where we can talk on the phone and start facing your fears and allowing you to live happier!! Not in Columbus--no worries I also work via phone and skype!!