This questions is insprired by the video above that a friend of mine introduced to me about slowing down. Actually it was created in Australia as a public service announcement to get drives to stop speeding, but they went about it in a totally unique way. They actually display the benefits of slowing down, the positives of moving at a slower pace.
As I watched the video I thought of there areas where I operate on full speed, where I push myself too hard. One obviously is the car, I tend to be a speeder. I confess the biggest area I speed through is in my business, I tend to try to check things off the list, accomplish goals and set new ones with minimal time for celebration. Unfortunately because I am moving so fast sometimes I miss those celebrations, I miss figuring out where I want to go next or what transition I want to make. I get so far ahead of myself that I lose the joy and the passion in my career. I think this happens to all of us, we get so caught up in 'what's next,' or our to-do list we forget the true reason we started the to-do list in the first place.
Fortunately, there are definitely times I pause, when I meet with a client, eating dinner with my nearest and dearest, walking my dog through the neighborhood, or having coffee with a friend. The trick is adding more of these times into my life so I have natural 'slow down' spots in my life. So when I get amped up too much in my business I can stop and regroup.
I wanted to share this video as a reminder that slowing down, savoring and truly enjoying it is what allows us to live happier. It allows us to pause, reflect and gives us time to figure out what moves we might need to make next to build happier lives.
So where do you need to implement some 'slow spots' into your life? What are some ways you slow yourself down?
Please feel free to share in the comment section--I'll go first...
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