Thursday, September 22, 2011

Ending the "I Have Never Liked My Job" Lament

We all know that the economy is challenging right now.  I have had a number of clients (I would say the majority) who are motivated to come see me due to a pending merger, layoff or buyout.   I have had clients ranging from 25-65 who's jobs and lives have been effected by the economy.

I was struck by one client who during her free 20 minute session asked...I am 62..Am I too old to work with you? "Absolutely Not, I replied"  "No one is too old to figure out what makes their heart sing" "Good," she replied "That's what I thought too." When I hung up the phone with her I was thrilled. Here was a woman in her 60s who hadn't given up hope, who was motivated and excited to say "I am ready to work happier".  Even though she had the common lament of "I have never liked my job" she was ready to change that and finally find something she loved to do.

When she came into see me she was a mix of excitement about what comes next and fear about the uncertainty of it all.  She had just talked with her financial planner who had painted a gloomy picture of working for the next 5+ years and struggling to make ends meet.  But the financial planner had given her a number she had to meet, an amount she had to bring in every year.  So, as she said "All I have to do is find a job(s) I love that matches that number".  She was excited about "finally doing something she loved", "getting out from behind the desk".  So as with all my clients we began brainstorming the various ideas she had and by the time she left she had 4-5 job ideas as well as a plan for making them come to light.  When she left she was a completely different person then when she came in.  She was excited, energized, and ready to get working.  She had a plan, an idea a way to move forward out of the doom and gloom of losing her job.

Another client recently told me 'I am half way through my career life and I have never liked my job."  That is a common lament.  I don't believe we are told we CAN find a job we love, we are told to suck it up, pay the bills, work 8-5 and retire.  We are told the economy is bad, jobs are scarce, keep your head down and stay on track.  Never mind that you barely can get out of bed to make it to your job, or that you come home exhausted and unfulfilled.  Never mind that you have spent 20+ years of your life working all day at a job you think is OK.

I believe we can find a job we love, even in this economy. I believe we don't have to 'suck it up', 'keep our heads down' and just plug along until we retire.  I believe all of us deserve a life that is engaging, full of passion and helps us reach our full potential.  I believe to live this life we need to be honest about what we want out of life, to know our values and our goals, to know how much money we need to make to sustain our lifestyle, and then to get creative and think out of the box on how we can achieve our goals. Do I believe it is easy? No.  Do I believe it is for the faint of heart? No.  Do I believe it takes time, perseverance, desire and drive? Yes.  Do I believe it is worth it? YES!!   Do I believe I can help you get there? Absolutely!

What if you just started exploring the career that might make your heart sing?  What if you looked at your finances/goals/needs and figure out what you needed in a practical sense to move forward? What if you started paying attention to what are the voices, doubts, and road blocks that are keeping your stuck? What if you were finally able to work happier?  Together one step at a time we can end the "I Have Never Liked my Job" lament.
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