In using AND more often I believe we open ourselves up to the possibilities of both. I have also noticed, that as humans we don't like holding both, the messy place of I want to go back to grad school AND I am scared to death of that change. Is hard.
We want things to be packaged neat and tidy. We want to believe that once I make a change or once I make a decision, the hard part is over. Unfortunately, not my friend, that is when the messy begins. Moments of AND happen all the time in our lives.
- I need to get some work done AND I need to catch up on my sleep.
- I need to workout AND I am behind on work.
- I am sad about the break up AND I know it was the best thing for me.
- I want to figure out what comes next in my life AND I am totally exhausted right now.
- I am happy about all the changes in my life AND change is stressful.
In my opinion, true growth comes in the Moments of And. When we learn how to recognize the beauty in both. When we are start getting comfortable with the messy. When we begin to make space for two completely separate truths that is when we start to see life for what it truly is: a fun, challenging, exhilarating, exhausting, joyous. terrifying ride!!
What are some of the Moments of And in your life??