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Photo Credit: Lissui |
Days like this fortunately happen pretty rarely for me---but when they do they throw me for a MAJOR loop. I have found bottom line that when I am in a rotten mood, I compound that mood by beating myself up for being in the mood. In my attempt to talk myself out of the mood I end up hammering myself even harder. So rather than just admitting, hey today is an off day--I am blessed and challenged and moving forward. I hammer myself with words and phrases such as "wow you are so ungrateful, you should be happier, you are just being a baby and much more harsh words.
I know I am not alone in this inner bashing--I hear it in my clients, I see it in my friends and family. That inner voice can go full throttle and before we know it we are totally wasted. This am after my shower, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and I thought, 'give that girl some love" so I simply smiled back at myself in the mirror and the tears started flowing, the sadness engulfed me. I stopped trying to label, stopped trying to analyze, stopped trying to be grateful and just let the tears flow. Did I immediately feel better? No. But I did feel relieved. Relieved, that I could stop running, I could stop trying to figure it out. I could just BE. Be in the mood, be sad, be tired, be whatever I felt. I could be the feeling and keep going. And I did.
Bottom line we are all human, we all struggle, we all have unexplainable, irrational, uncomfortable, inconvenient emotions. There is a fine line between running, embracing and ignoring. I have found the best way is to BE. I know from first hand experience, it is when I try to explain, rationalize, discount or run I tend to get into more trouble. Sometimes we just need to be.
Tomorrow is the last day! Take advantage of the Find the Work you Love Half Off Special--get 2 sessions for the price of one! Click here for more information. Ends February 29th, 2012