Today I am giving myself some permission to play. So I am reaching back in to the archives as a reminder of the importance of play.
Yep, even though I have been sick, even though I haven't 'accomplished' as much as I SHOULD have this week. (Those would be my mongers talking) My nearest and dearest and I are sticking with the plan we made earlier this week to enjoy the 70+ degree day taking a hike with our dog. So voices be damned--after spending the morning in the office--I am heading out to play! Where could you add a little play in your life??
Originally posted in October 2009
At first I was a little sad, permission to play!? I thought how sad is that I need permission?!?! But then I realized I do, I need permission to put aside my to do list, my calendar, my workout and just play. And play I did, I jumped in streams, I checked out woolly worms, I stopped by a lake and ate my lunch, I took 100s of pictures of the beautiful changing trees, I played for 4 blissful hours.
So many times in our lives we plan a vacation, plan a party, plan a fun event and we get lost in the worry. We get lost in the stress of the planning and we miss the moment of fun. We miss the play part. To live happier we need to include the play. So my challenge to you is give yourself permission to play, whatever that means for you, swing on a swing, blow bubbles, laugh until your belly hurts, just play.
How do you play? Let me know what you do when your give yourself permission to play?