Thursday, April 4, 2013

Live Happier QA: Help! I am frustrated because I feel like I do all the chores.

Welcome to Live Happier QA Thursday.  Today's question comes from Jessie:
"I hate to admit it, but I am frustrated because people, ok my husband, aren't working as hard as me. Any suggestions?"
I really appreciate Jessie's honesty!  I know I have felt this way and I know clients have as well.  Jessie is definitely not alone!!

Check out my answer to Jessie's question below and tips I have for dealing with this frustration and how in all honesty, Jessie might be causing the frustration herself.

What about you?  Have you ever felt frustrated by a partner/co-worker or roommate that they aren't pulling their weight?  How did you deal with it?

Please join the discussion below.

 Watch this episode below or click HERE to watch, if you are reading this via email.

For previous episodes simply go to the Live Happier QA page here.

Do you have a question about Living Happier?

Living Happier in relationships, in career or in life in general! Please fill out the form below, drop me an e-mail.
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