Take time to Watch the World. Mocha LOVES to be outside. She sits on the back porch for hours watching the squirrels and taking in 'her domain'. Sometimes I just love watching her looking so happy and content. She reminds me that joy comes in the little things and I just need to take the time to sit and watch the world.
Curiosity. Mocha and I take at least one sometimes two walks a day. I love walking with her because she greets our neighborhood with such curiosity. Every time she walks out of the house she acts as if it was the first time. She runs down the walk with great amazement and wonder. As I walk with her I am reminded to look around, to have some curiosity about both my external and my internal world.
Greet Everyone with Enthusiasm. One of my favorite parts of coming home is the Mocha greeting. Whether I am gone for 5 minutes or 5 hours the greeting is always enthusiastic. It makes me feel loved and appreciated. After a long day it is fabulous to walk out of the garage and receive a gigantic 'welcome home--where have you been?" smile. Her enthusiasm reminds me that I need to give the people in my life that kind of warm greeting. I need to be showing those I love how much they mean to me on daily basis.
Play with Abandonment. Every day I find myself in my back yard talking in a silly voice running around like a crazy woman and playing with Mocha. She has taught me the joy in playing. For those 5-10 minutes it is just fun to be running around watching her play with such joy. She reminds me that life maybe hard and challenging but the joy comes in the play. Looking and sounding like a fool is worth it when you are also laughing so hard your belly hurts.
Just a reminder that tonight from 6-7:30pm (Wednesday) is the Strong Woman Strong Relationship Seminar at Easton Lifetime Fitness--hope to see you there!!