Thursday, December 15, 2011

My 2011 Wish List

Photo Credit: stevendepolo
So earlier this week I posted about Creating Your Wish List.  I talked about getting in the Holiday Spirit (no matter what your tradition, this time of year for most of us is a time of miracles, magic and wonder) and writing down all the items you wish for right now. Practical, impractical, physical or imaginary.  The key is to write them down.

I have to admit this was a more challenging and more fun task than I thought it would be.  I have spent a lot of time thinking on what I would want, pondering my list in the shower, in the car and even yesterday as I was getting a massage.  It has been a rewarding assignment--a way to look at my life differently--to stop myself from saying "no you can't have that" to allowing myself to just dream.

So here it goes:
  1. A Cure for Parkinson's Disease, Cancer and Epilepsy--3 conditions that have changed the lives of myself and  those close to me.  
  2. Continued Good Health for myself:  This year has made me appreciate my health more than any other year and I wish that it continue.
  3. The Ability to Eat WHATEVER and Not Hurt my Health.  I love food.  In order for me to maintain my weight and my health, I need to monitor my food intake and quite gets old.
  4. Compassion.  I think compassion would solve a lot of the world's ills.  It is the key to peace, happiness and joy.  If I could have a little more self compassion my life would be a better place.  If everyone could have a little more compassion for themselves and their fellow man, the world would be a better place.
  5. Travel.  I have traveled a lot in my life but there is a lot more I want to see: Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Brazil, Ireland (just to name a few).
  6. My own private jet and someone to take care of it and fly it.  To get to above places a lot easier.
  7. A Maid. I hate cleaning my house--so to have someone take care of that for me---would be awesome.
  8. New Sheets Every 6 months.  Nothing is as amazing as new sheets.
  9. Consistent Supply of Quality Books.  I love reading, but have a hard time finding good books so to have that supplied to me would be wonderful!
  10. Intentional Living.  I wish everyone had the chance to live a life that is intentional.  If everyone could life with intention, we would all be taking steps to live and work happier. 
Now it's your turn,  as my nearest and dearest said...Nancy's North Pole is open...time to share your wishes and dreams. What do you have on your Wish List (remember it can be 2 items or 2000 items)

As someone who doesn't always write stuff down and take time to fully engage in activities such as this one---I REALLY encourage you to take some time, think it over and commit it to paper.  Feel free to share some (or all of your) wishes below in the comments, I would love to hear what you are wishing for this year.

This is my last post of 2011---I am going to take the next 2 weeks off from blogging to spend time with family and friends and enjoy the holiday season.  I hope you have a wonderful holiday whatever your traditions might be!!  See you in 2012.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Assignment: Creating your Wish List

I remember it like it was yesterday, entering Santa Land at the Downtown Lazarus store in Columbus.  It was a HUGE deal to go to the 'big city' and enter the fancy department store only to be transported to magical Santa Land.  I remember waiting patiently (although I probably wasn't very patient) and finally having my turn on Santa's lap.  After much deliberation and pondering I hopped up on Santa's lap and told him my wish list, smiled for the camera and assured him I had been good.  And then just like that it was over.  I remember feeling so at peace, so joyful that everything was going to be fine, I would get my gift of choice because I had talked with the 'big man' himself.

It always is interesting to ask people about their Santa Stories...inevitably they will be transported back in time and will describe in full detail a Santa Experience that is near and dear to their hearts.  As I was thinking today about my own Santa Story--I was thinking about my wish list.  The amount of time and care I spent on that list, thinking about what I wanted, perusing through catalogs and generally just taking time for myself to figure out what would be the best gift.  How rarely we do that today, I seldom think about what I want for Christmas.  Much by my design, gift giving has become more the norm in my world.  But when you think about the concept of a magical wish list, offering that up to someone who seems larger than life and believing that he will produce is a little freeing, a little magical, a little fun.

So where am I going with all this Santa talk?!!?  Well... I think this year we should make our own Wish List.  Think about your life right now...what would you wish could have anything in the world...what would it be??  Just Believe.

The assignment is:  over the next few days we are going to take the occasional break from our 'adult' world, tap into the wonder and amazement of childhood and we are going to make a Wish List.  A list of all the things you want for your life from the practical, (a new stove) to the ridiculous (a trip around the world) and everything in between.  I want you to really take some time to dream, imagine and believe.  Think about changes you would want in your life, additions you would make, and things you could do without. Maybe your contains stuff you could buy in a store, or make by hand or it is just ideas.  Your list can have 2 items or doesn't matter.  The point is to tap into spirit of magic that is in this season and see what your heart can imagine.

Over the next few days I will share my list and maybe you can share yours too..but for now just ponder...what if I could wish for anything what would I wish for?

No matter what your December tradition and most of them include a story around miracles, magic, wishes, and fresh starts.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Moments of And

AND, it is such a lovely word, all encompassing, inclusive.  Over the past couple of years, I have changed the way I talk to include AND more often.  I love you AND I am hurt that you didn't call.  I am unhappy in my career AND I know it pays the bills.

In using AND more often I believe we open ourselves up to the possibilities of both.  I have also noticed, that as humans we don't like holding both, the messy place of I want to go back to grad school AND I am scared to death of that change.  Is hard.

We want things to be packaged neat and tidy.  We want to believe that once I make a change or once I make a decision, the hard part is over.  Unfortunately, not my friend, that is when the messy begins.  Moments of AND happen all the time in our lives.
  • I need to get some work done AND I need to catch up on my sleep.
  • I need to workout AND I am behind on work.
  • I am sad about the break up AND I know it was the best thing for me.
  • I want to figure out what comes next in my life AND I am totally exhausted right now.
  • I am happy about all the changes in my life AND change is stressful.
We have AND's all the time.  Holding them both is the challenge.  Because bottom line it is hard to feel two contradictory emotions at one time!!  AND the more awareness we can bring to how often those moments happen in our lives, the more space we give to both truths, the more we can allow emotions to surface, the happier we will be

In my opinion, true growth comes in the Moments of And.  When we learn how to recognize the beauty in both. When we are start getting comfortable with the messy.  When we begin to make space for two completely separate truths that is when we start to see life for what it truly is: a fun, challenging, exhilarating, exhausting, joyous. terrifying ride!!

What are some of the Moments of And in your life??