Lately I have been trying to market my practice more both on-line (by writing more blog posts) and within the community. In keeping with this effort, last night I went to my first networking event. For the record I am not a big fan of networking--I am a bit of an introvert (but admit I fake extrovert well) so I find these events doubly exhausting one because I am talking to a group of strangers and two because I am selling myself and my services. Before the event I thought of every reason possible why I didn't have to go, I was tired, it was a long day, I wouldn't REALLY make any connections etc. But I had committed to myself and to my fabulous marketing coach,
Michelle Barry Franco, that I would attend this networking event. So I did--and it was hard and stressful and I had a lot of insecurities and self doubt creep up. AND I met some really great women and made some helpful connections. As I was driving home, I felt a feeling of giddiness and I realized that I what I most enjoyed about the evening was getting out of my comfort zone!! It was a bit exhilarating to try something different and challenging and stretch myself. From time to time I can get stuck in a rut--stuck in my safe place. Last night reminded me of the freedom that comes from challenging myself to try new things.
It doesn't have to be facing a major fear it just has to be stretching your comfort zone. Maybe turning off the TV (if you watch it every night), going for a run or a walk, saying hi to a new co-worker, trying a different way to work, or joining a new organization. There are a million ways to get out of our comfort zones--get out of our ruts. It is helpful to branch out, you will be amazed how trying one new thing can open you up to new possibilities and help you live happier. What are some ideas you have for stretching your comfort zone? Please Share!