Tigers above. Tigers below. Mice gnawing at our support system. How often have you felt like that? The truth is, this is the predicament we all face, when we take time to look deeply. Each moment could be our last. We could become depressed or lackadaisical when we ponder this fact. Or, we could choose to eat the strawberries within reach and delight in the joy of every single moment that we have.
For me, this story is the crux for living happier. Because you know what? Life IS full of challenges, pain, sorrow, and exhaustion. We are fighting off tigers and staring down mice all the time! But at the same time life is full of little joys--watching the tricker treaters all dressed up, having a totally spectacular fall season this year, enjoying a glass of wine with a friend, laughing with my mom on the phone, watching a really good movie--I could go on and on. In reality, I believe there is as much joy in the world as there is pain--sometimes it is just easier to see the pain. A few years ago, my dad was in the hospital, it was a very scary, stressful time, fortunately he came out just fine. The experience was full of pain, fear, anger, worry and exhaustion AND it was full of laughter, joy, sharing and love. It was one of the most traumatizing events in my family's history and there were tigers and mice AND berries.
It takes a lot of focus and awareness to say to yourself "here I hang facing an imminent painful death and rather than fret and stew and panic I am going to reach over and enjoy my last few moments by tasting and enjoying these wonderful berries". That is the trick, my friend, in the midst of your hectic day, your fear and rage and exhaustion--look around you for the berries and just thoroughly enjoy them!!!