Friday, February 19, 2010

Enjoy the Ride!!

Today's post is a hodge podge of ideas.  Forgive me for being scattered, but I leave for vacation in 2 days--2 days, I am so freakin' excited I couldn't sleep last night!!  Going to be a LONG 2 days.  But I am really trying to embrace my joy around this trip.  In keeping with that theme, check out this wonderful post on Cold Antler Farm about living your dreams and happiness.  I am consistently inspired and awed by Jenna's passion and eloquence!

Yesterday in thinking about my post on celebrating joy, I was reminded of  one of my favorite movie clips, from the movie Parenthood (I know I am dating myself with that movie reference).   I thought I would share it today, as a wonderful reminder that life is a roller coaster filled with joys and pain and the challenge is to embrace them all.

I am off to Costa Rica so I won't be writing next week--I hope you have a wonderful week and I will see you in March :)

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