Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Are You in Hiding?

Today, I challenge you what is keeping you from being amazing?  What is stopping you from really shining YOUR light, YOUR unique amazingly powerful light into the world?

How much time do you spend in hiding?  Hiding your lights, your gifts, your uniqueness.

Hiding takes on a lot of forms.

  • you don't speak up because 'what if I am wrong?'
  • you don't explore a passion:  writing, reading, art, photography, glass blowing because you tell yourself "I can't do that" "I am not good enough"
  • you don't admit you were wrong (or show your vulnerability) because you are afraid no one will take you seriously again. 
  • you don't admit you were hurt because you need to make them feel ok.

You are in hiding whenever you aren't being authentic to YOU.  Hiding means you are smothering a part of yourself in order to fit in, get approval or simply because it feels easier.

Honestly, we won't ever Live Happier if we are in hiding.

First, we have to start paying attention to our hiding behaviors.

What are the ways in which you go in to hiding?
  • Not speaking up
  • Getting defensive
  • Not taking the risk
  • Bull-dozing to get your way
FYI, we hide in countless ways from physically hiding out in our rooms to entering the world with such false bravado and confidence that we plow over anything in our path.  Both mean we aren't being our genuine selves.

Secondly, what are the triggers that cause you to go in to hiding? Is it a certain activity? A certain person? A certain time? A certain event?

Notice your hiding M.O.
  • When you hide?
  • How you hide?
  • With Whom you hide?
Thirdly, when are you not in hiding?  With whom and in what situations can you be 100% yourself and what does that feel like?  I bet it feels A LOT better to live in the moments where you aren't in hiding.

As you build up your awareness of how it feels to be out of hiding, you can start practicing not hiding.  This practice needs to occur in SAFE PLACES.  It takes practice to start shining your light and showing yourself to the world---baby steps, my friend.  But I promise, with those baby steps, gradually the times of hiding will become less

We all were put here for a wonderful purpose, to let our hearts shine, to give back to the world.  When we are hiding our gifts we aren't serving anyone...least of all ourselves.
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